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The Time to Climb
Activities to Add Even MORE Fun!
Odd-looking plant: "A Lone Brussels Sprout" is actually a whole plant-ful of little green sprouts. Can you find it?
We're all chasing something: Find the cat, bird, fox & rabbits.
Llamas in pajamas: Actually, it's not in pajamas, but it's still pretty odd to find a llama anywhere. Find the llama!
Only the eyes: One creature shows only its eyes. Where is it hiding?
Baa baa black sheep: Standing out from the flock is okay! Find the black sheep.
For a whale out of water, he blends in pretty well: Can you spot the whale?
Aptly named: Jack sees a beak-tweeter, buzz-bizzer & flit-flap. Which creature do you think is which? Why?
Climb at your own pace! Find the snail.
A playful mouse will never be bored. Find the mouse.
Leave no stone unturned: Where's the bookworm?
BONUS Challenge (this one is pretty tricky): Every year, Jack's mom measures his height. How old is Jack?